(91) Connect Error java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: connect' LDAP IPV6

  • 1 year ago

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The error message you mentioned, "Connect Error java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: connect," indicates a permission issue when attempting to connect to an LDAP server using IPv6 in Java.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Ensure IPv6 connectivity: Make sure that your system has proper IPv6 connectivity and can establish connections over IPv6. Check your network configuration and ensure that IPv6 is enabled and functioning correctly.

  2. Check firewall settings: Verify that any firewalls or security software on your system or network are not blocking the connection to the LDAP server over IPv6. Configure the firewall to allow the necessary outbound connections.

  3. Review Java security policies: Check the security policies of your Java environment to ensure that it allows outbound connections to the LDAP server. Ensure that the required permissions and network access rules are configured correctly.

  4. Test with IPv4: As a workaround, you can try connecting to the LDAP server using IPv4 instead of IPv6. Modify your Java code or network configuration to use the IPv4 address or hostname of the LDAP server.

    Example using IPv4:

    String ldapUrl = "ldap://IPv4-Address:port";
    // Create the LDAP connection and proceed with the connection
  5. Use system properties: In some cases, setting system properties can help resolve connection issues. Try setting the java.net.preferIPv6Addresses and java.net.preferIPv4Stack system properties to control IPv6 and IPv4 preferences.


    System.setProperty("java.net.preferIPv6Addresses", "false");
    System.setProperty("java.net.preferIPv4Stack", "true");
  6. Upgrade Java version: Ensure that you are using a recent version of Java. Older versions may have known issues or limitations with IPv6 connectivity. Upgrading to a newer version can resolve these issues.

If the issue persists, it's advisable to consult the official Java documentation, check the network configuration of your system, and contact your network administrator or system support for further assistance.