Add a custom option in context menu in windows explorer background

  • 1 year ago

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To add a custom option in the context menu of Windows Explorer's background (right-click menu on empty space), you can modify the Windows Registry. Please be cautious when editing the registry, as incorrect changes can cause system issues. Follow these steps to add a custom context menu option:

  1. Create a Registry File:
    Create a new text file (e.g., custom_option.reg) and paste the following content into it:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @="Custom Option"

    @="\"C:\\Path\\To\\Your\\Executable.exe\" \"%V\""

    Replace "Custom Option" with the name you want to appear in the context menu, and "C:\\Path\\To\\Your\\Icon.ico" with the path to your custom icon (optional). Replace "C:\\Path\\To\\Your\\Executable.exe" with the path to your custom executable that will be triggered when the option is clicked.

  2. Save and Merge the Registry File:
    Save the text file and then double-click it to merge the changes into the Windows Registry. You may be prompted for administrator permissions to make changes to the registry.

  3. Test the Context Menu Option:
    After merging the registry changes, open Windows Explorer, right-click on an empty space (background) in any folder, and you should see your custom option in the context menu.

Remember to replace the placeholder paths with the actual paths to your custom icon and executable. The %V parameter passed to the executable represents the folder path where you right-clicked.

Be cautious when editing the registry, and consider creating a backup of your registry before making any changes. If you are not familiar with registry editing, consider seeking assistance from someone experienced or using third-party tools designed for managing context menu items.