Adding custom objects ignores __getattr__ with operators

  • 1 year ago

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In Python, when custom objects define the __getattr__ method, it allows you to customize attribute access and handle cases where an attribute is not directly defined on the object. However, the __getattr__ method is not invoked for special methods, including operators like +, -, *, etc., which are handled by other special methods like __add__, __sub__, __mul__, etc.

The reason why __getattr__ is not called for operators is that Python uses a specific method resolution order (MRO) to find and execute special methods like __add__. When Python encounters an operator, it directly looks for the corresponding special method without triggering __getattr__.

Here's an example to demonstrate this behavior:

class MyClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value

def __getattr__(self, name):
print(f'__getattr__ called for attribute "{name}"')
return 42 # A default value for any undefined attribute

def __add__(self, other):
print('__add__ called')
return self.value + other.value

a = MyClass(10)
b = MyClass(20)

# Attribute access, calls __getattr__
print(a.unknown_attribute) # Output: __getattr__ called for attribute "unknown_attribute" 42

# Operator +, calls __add__
result = a + b # Output: __add__ called

print(result) # Output: 30

As you can see in the example, when we access the undefined attribute unknown_attribute, it triggers the __getattr__ method. However, when we use the + operator to add two MyClass objects, it directly calls the __add__ method without invoking __getattr__.

If you want to customize the behavior of operators like + for custom objects, you should implement the corresponding special methods (__add__, __sub__, etc.) in your class. These special methods are designed to handle specific operator behavior, and you cannot achieve the same effect using __getattr__.