apache 2.4 CustomLog based by response size

  • 1 year ago

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To create a CustomLog in Apache 2.4 based on the response size, you can use the %B format string in your log format. Here's an example configuration:

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %B" customlog
CustomLog "logs/access_log" customlog

In this example, the %B format string will log the size of the response in bytes. The resulting log format will include the IP address of the client (%h), the RFC 1413 identity of the client (%l), the username of the client (%u), the date and time of the request (%t), the request line (\"%r\"), the HTTP status code of the response (%>s), and the size of the response (%B).

You can customize the log format to include other data as needed by adding or removing format strings from the LogFormat directive. You can also specify a different location for the log file by changing the path in the CustomLog directive.

Note that the %B format string may not be available in all versions of Apache. If %B is not available, you can try using %O instead, which logs the size of the response in bytes as sent by the server.