Are the names of COFF Data Directories fixed?

  • 1 year ago

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The names of COFF (Common Object File Format) Data Directories are not fixed. The COFF Data Directories are part of the PE (Portable Executable) file format, which is used for executable files, object code, and DLLs on Windows operating systems.

The COFF Data Directories are a set of data structures that provide essential information about the executable or object code contained within the PE file. These data directories are used by the operating system loader and other tools to locate specific information within the file, such as import and export tables, resource data, exception handling data, debug information, and more.

While the order and number of COFF Data Directories are defined in the PE file format specification, their names are not standardized or fixed. Instead, they are identified by numerical indices, where each index corresponds to a specific data directory. For example, the Import Table is typically located at index 1, the Export Table at index 0, and so on.

The PE file format specification defines the structure of the COFF Data Directories and their corresponding indices. The specific names or labels for these directories are implementation-dependent and may vary across different compilers and tools used to create PE files.

Programs that work with PE files, such as debuggers, linkers, and disassemblers, typically use the numerical indices to access the desired COFF Data Directory, rather than relying on fixed names. These numerical indices are defined in the PE file header, and tools interpret them based on the PE file format specification.