Cannot import python module (shared object) in Windows 10, but can do so in Linux

  • 1 year ago

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The behavior you're experiencing, where you can import a Python module (shared object) in Linux but not in Windows 10, can be attributed to platform-specific differences in the way shared objects are handled.

Here are a few possible reasons and troubleshooting steps to consider:

  1. Platform Dependencies: The shared object (.so file) you're trying to import may have platform-specific dependencies or system calls that are not compatible with Windows. Ensure that the shared object and any dependent libraries are built for Windows and compatible with the Python version you're using.

  2. File Extension: In Windows, shared objects typically use the .dll file extension instead of .so. Make sure you have the correct file extension for the shared object you're trying to import.

  3. Architecture Mismatch: Check if the shared object is compiled for the correct architecture on Windows. Ensure that you have the corresponding 32-bit or 64-bit version of the shared object depending on your Python installation.

  4. Library Search Path: Windows may have a different library search path compared to Linux. Ensure that the directory containing the shared object is included in the PATH environment variable or the Python module search path (sys.path).

  5. Dependencies and System Libraries: Verify that all the necessary dependencies and system libraries required by the shared object are present and accessible on your Windows system. These dependencies might include runtime libraries or other system-specific components.

  6. Debugging: If the above steps don't resolve the issue, you can try using tools like Dependency Walker or Process Monitor on Windows to diagnose any missing dependencies or access issues. These tools can help identify any system calls or dependencies that may be causing the import to fail.

It's also helpful to check the specific error message or traceback you're receiving when attempting to import the shared object. This can provide additional clues about the underlying issue.

If you're still having trouble importing the shared object on Windows, consider providing more details about the specific error message, the Python version you're using, and any relevant code snippets. This information can assist in providing more targeted guidance.