Can't make executable file with Pyinstaller 3.3 and Python 3.6

  • 1 year ago

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If you're having trouble creating an executable file using PyInstaller 3.3 and Python 3.6, there could be a variety of reasons. PyInstaller is a powerful tool for creating standalone executable files from Python scripts, but issues can arise due to dependencies, compatibility, or configuration. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem:

  1. Update PyInstaller:
    First, make sure you're using the latest version of PyInstaller. Run the following command to upgrade PyInstaller:

    pip install --upgrade pyinstaller
  2. Check Python Compatibility:
    Ensure that your Python script is compatible with the Python version you're using (Python 3.6 in your case). Make sure there are no syntax errors or code constructs that are specific to a different Python version.

  3. Run PyInstaller Command:
    Use the pyinstaller command to create the executable. Make sure you're in the directory where your Python script is located, and run:


    Replace with the actual filename of your Python script.

  4. Analyze Error Messages:
    If the PyInstaller process fails, carefully read any error messages or warnings that are displayed. They can provide clues about the underlying issue. Pay attention to any missing dependencies or import errors.

  5. Include Dependencies:
    If your script depends on external packages or modules, ensure that they are properly installed and accessible. If you're using virtual environments, make sure the correct environment is active.

  6. Debugging:
    Use the --debug flag with PyInstaller to get more detailed output about what's happening during the build process. This can help identify any specific issues that are causing the failure.

    pyinstaller --debug
  7. Check Environment Variables:
    If your script relies on environment variables, ensure they are correctly set when building the executable.

  8. Review PyInstaller Documentation:
    Consult the official PyInstaller documentation for information on common issues, troubleshooting, and specific configuration options:

  9. Test with Simple Script:
    If you're still having issues, try creating a very simple Python script and use PyInstaller on it. This can help determine if the problem is specific to your script or a broader issue.

  10. Community Support:
    If you've tried the above steps and are still encountering problems, consider seeking help on PyInstaller forums, mailing lists, or other community platforms. Developers who are experienced with PyInstaller might be able to provide specific assistance based on your situation.

Remember that PyInstaller's behavior can vary depending on the complexity of your script, the modules it uses, and the environment in which you're running it. Be patient, and don't hesitate to seek help if needed.