Clear data of Flutter for Desktop (Windows) application

  • 1 year ago

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To clear data of a Flutter Desktop application on Windows, you can manually delete the application data stored in the user's AppData directory. Follow these steps:

  1. Open File Explorer on your Windows machine.

  2. Navigate to the user's AppData directory. The AppData directory is typically located at the following path:


    Replace <username> with the actual username of the user account.

  3. In the AppData directory, locate the folder for your Flutter Desktop application. The folder name is usually based on your application's name or package ID.

  4. Delete the folder corresponding to your Flutter Desktop application. This will remove all the application data, including shared preferences, local databases, and other stored files.

Deleting the application folder will clear the data associated with your Flutter Desktop application on Windows.

Please note that manually deleting the application data removes the data permanently, and it cannot be recovered. Make sure to take appropriate precautions and ensure that you have a backup of any important data before deleting it.

Additionally, keep in mind that this approach only clears the application data stored on the local machine. If your application interacts with remote servers or databases, clearing the local data may not affect the remote data. In such cases, you may need to implement additional logic to clear or reset remote data, if necessary.