Closures with the STDCALL ABI on x86 Windows cause Stack Overflow exceptions with LibFFI 3.2.1

  • 1 year ago

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The issue you're encountering with Stack Overflow exceptions when using closures with the STDCALL ABI on x86 Windows and LibFFI 3.2.1 might be related to the way function calls and stack management are handled in the STDCALL calling convention.

Here are a few things you can consider to address the issue:

  1. Check Calling Convention Compatibility:
    Make sure that the calling convention used by LibFFI matches the calling convention expected by the external library you're interfacing with. STDCALL calling convention on Windows is used with some specific libraries. If the external library uses a different calling convention (e.g., CDECL), you might run into compatibility issues.

  2. Update LibFFI:
    LibFFI is an actively maintained project, and newer versions might include bug fixes and improvements. Consider updating to a newer version of LibFFI to see if the issue has been addressed in later releases.

  3. Stack Allocation:
    Stack overflow exceptions can occur if there is excessive stack usage due to recursive function calls or deeply nested closures. Make sure that your code doesn't create an excessive number of closures or recursive function calls that might exhaust the available stack space.

  4. Compiler and Build Flags:
    Ensure that you are compiling and building your code with the correct compiler flags and settings. These settings can impact the stack usage and calling convention behavior.

  5. Bug Report and Community Support:
    If you're still experiencing the issue after trying the above steps, consider reporting the issue to the LibFFI project or seeking assistance from their community. They might be able to provide more specific guidance or insights into the issue.

  6. Alternative Approaches:
    Depending on your use case, you might consider alternative approaches to working with closures, such as using different calling conventions, avoiding deeply nested closures, or considering different libraries that provide similar functionality.

Remember that debugging these types of issues can be complex, and it might require a combination of understanding the underlying calling conventions, the specifics of the libraries you're interfacing with, and the behavior of your code.