Display First and Last string entries stored in a variable using windows cmd.exe

  • 1 year ago

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To display the first and last string entries stored in a variable using Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe), you can use a combination of commands and string manipulation techniques. Here's an example:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM Example variable with multiple strings separated by space
set myVariable=Hello World OpenAI Language Model

REM Split the variable into an array of strings using space as the delimiter
for %%A in (%myVariable%) do (
set "firstString=%%A"
set "lastString=%%A"

REM Loop through the array and update the lastString variable
for %%A in (%myVariable%) do (
set "lastString=%%A"

REM Display the first and last string entries
echo First String: %firstString%
echo Last String: %lastString%


In this example, we have a variable named myVariable that contains multiple strings separated by spaces. We use the for loop to split the variable into an array of strings. The first iteration of the loop assigns the value of the current string to both firstString and lastString. Subsequent iterations update the lastString variable until the loop completes, resulting in the last string being stored in lastString.

Finally, we use the echo command to display the first and last string entries stored in the respective variables.

Note that the above example assumes that the strings in the variable do not contain special characters that need to be escaped. If your strings contain special characters, you may need to handle them accordingly using appropriate escaping techniques.