Error with icons in UE4 AR(Kit) development for iOS

  • 1 year ago

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If you are encountering issues with icons in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) ARKit development for iOS, it could be due to incorrect icon configuration or missing icon files. Here are a few steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

  1. Verify icon files:

    • Ensure that you have provided the necessary icon files required for iOS in your UE4 project. These icons are typically provided in various sizes and resolutions and should be placed in the appropriate location within your project directory.
    • Check if you have the following icon files in your project:
    • Make sure that the file names and sizes match the required specifications.
  2. Check project settings:

    • Open your UE4 project and navigate to the "Project Settings" section.
    • Under the "Platforms" category, select "iOS" from the left-hand side.
    • Verify that the "Bundle Icon" field is correctly set to the main icon file (e.g., Icon.png or Icon-76.png).
    • Ensure that the "Bundle Display Name" is set to the desired display name for your application.
  3. Clean and rebuild the project:

    • Clean your UE4 project by deleting any intermediate or derived files.
    • Rebuild the project to ensure that the correct icons are included in the compiled application package.
  4. Test on a physical iOS device:

    • Deploy the application to a physical iOS device for testing.
    • Ensure that the device is running a compatible iOS version and supports ARKit.
    • Verify if the correct icons are displayed on the device.

If the issue persists, consider checking the log output or error messages generated by UE4 during the packaging or deployment process. These messages can provide more specific information about the icon-related issue and guide you toward a resolution.

It's worth noting that the exact steps may vary depending on the specific version of UE4 and the project setup. Refer to the official UE4 documentation or community resources for more detailed information on configuring icons for iOS in Unreal Engine 4.