Executing Powershell from qmake hangs indefinitely

  • 1 year ago

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If executing PowerShell from qmake hangs indefinitely, it is likely due to the blocking behavior of the PowerShell process, which prevents qmake from proceeding until the PowerShell process completes. To resolve this issue, you can use asynchronous execution or background execution techniques. Here are a couple of possible approaches:

  1. Asynchronous execution using QProcess:

    QProcess process;
    process.start("powershell", QStringList() << "-NoProfile" << "-ExecutionPolicy" << "Bypass" << "-Command" << "Your PowerShell command here");
    process.waitForFinished(-1); // Wait for the process to complete (optional)

    This approach launches the PowerShell process asynchronously using QProcess. The -Command parameter allows you to specify the PowerShell command to execute. By using waitForFinished, you can optionally wait for the process to complete before proceeding in your qmake script.

  2. Background execution using start-job:

    QProcess process;
    process.start("powershell", QStringList() << "-NoProfile" << "-ExecutionPolicy" << "Bypass" << "-Command" << "Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Your PowerShell command here }");
    process.waitForFinished(-1); // Wait for the process to complete (optional)

    In this approach, you execute your PowerShell command as a background job using Start-Job cmdlet. This allows the PowerShell process to run independently without blocking qmake. Again, you can use waitForFinished to optionally wait for the process to complete before continuing in your qmake script.

Both approaches utilize QProcess to execute the PowerShell command, allowing for non-blocking execution. Remember to adjust the PowerShell command to fit your specific requirements.

By using asynchronous or background execution techniques, you can prevent the qmake script from hanging indefinitely when executing PowerShell commands.