Export reg value to csv

  • 1 year ago

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To export a registry value to a CSV file using PowerShell, you can use the Get-ItemProperty cmdlet to retrieve the registry value and then export it to a CSV file using the Export-Csv cmdlet. Here's an example:

# Specify the registry key and value
$regKey = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
$valueName = "ProductName"

# Retrieve the registry value
$value = Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKey -Name $valueName

# Export the value to a CSV file
$outputPath = "C:\path\to\output.csv"
$value | Export-Csv -Path $outputPath -NoTypeInformation

Write-Host "Registry value exported to $outputPath"

In this example:

  1. Modify the $regKey variable to specify the desired registry key. Use the format HKLM:\Path\To\Key for a local machine key or HKCU:\Path\To\Key for a current user key.

  2. Update the $valueName variable to specify the name of the registry value you want to export.

  3. The Get-ItemProperty cmdlet retrieves the registry value specified by $regKey and $valueName.

  4. The $value is then exported to a CSV file specified by $outputPath using the Export-Csv cmdlet. The -NoTypeInformation parameter ensures that the CSV file does not include the type information in the header.

  5. Finally, the script displays a message indicating the path of the exported CSV file.

Make sure you have the necessary permissions to access the registry key and that the output directory is writable. Run the PowerShell script with administrative privileges if required.