Fixing unresolved external symbols using Boost.Python

  • 1 year ago

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When you encounter unresolved external symbols while using Boost.Python, it usually means that the linker is unable to find the definitions of the functions or classes you've declared in your C++ code that you're trying to expose to Python. Here's a step-by-step approach to fixing these issues:

  1. Check Includes and Linking:
    Make sure you've included the necessary header files and added the appropriate Boost.Python library to your project's linker settings.

  2. Namespace Consideration:
    If you're exposing functions or classes from a specific namespace, ensure that you use the correct namespace while declaring and defining those functions or classes.

  3. Proper Function Signatures:
    The function signatures in your C++ code and in your Boost.Python bindings must match. Make sure that the argument types, return types, and const qualifiers match as well.

  4. Define Exposed Functions:
    Make sure you've defined the functions or classes you're exposing in your C++ code. The declarations in your header files need to be backed by actual implementations in your source files.

  5. Avoid Inline Definitions:
    If you're exposing inline functions or templates, you might need to provide explicit instantiations for those templates or move the definitions out of the header files.

  6. Check Linker Errors Carefully:
    Carefully read the linker errors to identify which specific functions or classes are causing the unresolved external symbols. This can help you pinpoint where the issue is occurring.

  7. Use Correct Function Names:
    Ensure that the function names in your Boost.Python binding code match the names of the functions you're trying to expose.

    Wrap your Boost.Python bindings in a BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE macro to create a Python extension module. This helps ensure that the symbols are exported correctly.

Here's a basic example of how you might expose a simple C++ function to Python using Boost.Python:

// mymodule.cpp
#include <boost/python.hpp>

namespace bp = boost::python;

int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;

bp::def("add", add);

Make sure to compile and link this code with the Boost.Python library and then import mymodule in your Python code.

Remember that Boost.Python can sometimes be tricky to work with due to the interactions between C++ and Python. Carefully reviewing documentation and examples, checking for typos, and verifying that your function definitions are accessible to the linker are essential steps to resolving unresolved external symbols when using Boost.Python.