Form loads with the minimal size (which displays only the title bar) rather than the size corresponding to the value set to its properties

  • 1 year ago

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If your Windows Forms application is loading with a minimal size that only displays the title bar, it may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Incorrect Form Size Properties: Double-check the Width and Height properties of your form to ensure they are set correctly. Open the designer view of your form, select the form, and check the properties window to verify the values of Width and Height. Make sure they are set to the desired dimensions in pixels.

  2. FormBorderStyle Property: Check the FormBorderStyle property of your form. If it is set to FixedSingle, Fixed3D, or FixedDialog, it may cause the form to appear smaller than expected. Change the FormBorderStyle to Sizable or SizableToolWindow to allow the form to be resized by the user.

  3. MinimumSize Property: Verify that the MinimumSize property of your form is not set to a very small value that restricts the minimum size of the form. If it is set, adjust the MinimumSize property accordingly or set it to Size.Empty if you don't want to impose a minimum size.

  4. AutoSize or AutoSizeMode Properties: If you have set the AutoSize property of any of the controls on your form to true, it may affect the overall size of the form. Ensure that the AutoSize and AutoSizeMode properties of the controls are set appropriately, or disable auto-sizing if it is not required.

  5. Form Load Event Handling: Review the code in the Load event handler of your form. Make sure you are not manually setting the form size to a small value or overriding any size-related properties or calculations.

  6. Multiple Monitors: If you have multiple monitors, it's possible that the form is being displayed on a different monitor with a different screen resolution. Check if the form is appearing on a different monitor than expected and adjust the form's position or screen settings accordingly.

By reviewing these factors and ensuring the correct configuration of form size properties and related settings, you should be able to resolve the issue and have your form load with the desired dimensions.