Get specific file from .tar file within a Bat file

  • 1 year ago

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To extract a specific file from a .tar file within a batch file on Windows, you can use the tar command-line utility provided by tools like 7-Zip or GnuWin32. Here's an example:

@echo off

set "tar_file=path\to\archive.tar"
set "file_to_extract=path\to\file.txt"

7z x "%tar_file%" "%file_to_extract%" -so > extracted_file.txt

echo File extracted successfully.

In this example, we assume you have 7-Zip installed and added to your system's PATH environment variable. Adjust the paths of the tar_file and file_to_extract variables to match your specific case.

Here's a breakdown of the steps:

  1. Set the paths: Define the paths to the .tar file and the specific file you want to extract within the tar_file and file_to_extract variables.

  2. Use the 7z command: Run the 7z command-line utility with the x command to extract files from the .tar archive. The -so option redirects the extracted file's content to the standard output.

  3. Redirect output to a file: Use the > operator to redirect the extracted content to a file named extracted_file.txt. Adjust the filename as needed.

  4. Display success message: Output a success message to indicate that the file extraction was completed.

After running the batch file, the specified file will be extracted from the .tar archive, and its content will be saved in the extracted_file.txt file.

Make sure you have the appropriate command-line utility (such as 7-Zip) installed and accessible through the system's PATH environment variable. Adjust the batch file as necessary if you are using a different utility or if your file paths require modifications.