Git cloning repository using SourceTree with Bitbucket: error Server unexpectedly closed network connection

  • 1 year ago

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The error "Server unexpectedly closed network connection" when cloning a Git repository using SourceTree with Bitbucket can be caused by various factors. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Check network connectivity: Ensure that your network connection is stable and there are no issues with your internet connection. Try accessing other websites or services to verify your network connectivity.

  2. Verify SSH keys: If you're using SSH authentication to connect to Bitbucket, verify that your SSH keys are set up correctly. Make sure you have added the public key to your Bitbucket account and that your private key is properly configured in SourceTree.

  3. Check firewall or antivirus settings: Check if there are any firewall or antivirus settings that might be blocking the connection. Temporarily disable your firewall or antivirus software and try the cloning operation again to see if it resolves the issue.

  4. Update SourceTree: Ensure that you are using the latest version of SourceTree. Check for any available updates and install them if necessary. Sometimes, outdated versions of SourceTree can have compatibility issues with the Git server.

  5. Try HTTPS cloning: Instead of using SSH, try cloning the repository using HTTPS. In the Source URL, change the protocol to HTTPS and provide your Bitbucket username and password for authentication. This can help isolate any issues related to SSH configuration.

  6. Verify repository URL: Double-check that the repository URL is correct and properly formatted. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access the repository.

  7. Test with a different Git client: If the issue persists, try cloning the repository using a different Git client, such as the command-line Git or another GUI client. This can help determine if the problem is specific to SourceTree or a broader network issue.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it is recommended to reach out to the Bitbucket or Atlassian support team for further assistance. They can provide specific guidance and troubleshooting steps based on your account and repository setup.