Git sync with GitHub repository

  • 1 year ago

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To synchronize your local Git repository with a GitHub repository, you generally follow these steps:

  1. Clone the GitHub Repository:
    If you haven't cloned the GitHub repository yet, you can do so using the following command in your terminal:

    git clone

    Replace username with your GitHub username and repo-name with the name of the repository.

  2. Navigate to the Local Repository:
    Change your current directory to the cloned repository:

    cd repo-name
  3. Check Remote Configuration:
    Check if the remote repository (origin) is configured correctly. Run the following command:

    git remote -v

    It should show the URL of your GitHub repository.

  4. Fetch and Merge Updates:
    Fetch the latest changes from the GitHub repository:

    git fetch origin

    Then, merge the fetched changes into your local branch:

    git merge origin/main # Replace "main" with the appropriate branch name

    Alternatively, you can use git pull origin main to fetch and merge in a single step.

  5. Resolve Conflicts (If Any):
    If there are any conflicts during the merge, you need to resolve them manually. Open the conflicting files, resolve the conflicts, save the changes, and then commit the resolved files.

  6. Push Local Changes to GitHub:
    After merging and resolving conflicts (if any), you can push your local changes to the GitHub repository:

    git push origin main # Replace "main" with the appropriate branch name

    This will update the GitHub repository with your local changes.

Remember that these steps are generic, and the branch names may vary depending on your repository setup. If you're working on a branch other than main, adjust the branch names accordingly.

Also, consider creating and using SSH keys for authentication if you haven't already. This can simplify the authentication process when interacting with GitHub repositories.