How can I convert part of a filename to become the file extension?

  • 1 year ago

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To convert part of a filename to become the file extension, you can use string manipulation techniques in various programming languages. The specific code will depend on the language you're using. Here's an example in Python:

import os

filename = "example_data.txt_part1"
file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:] # Extract the file extension

new_filename = filename.replace("_part1", "." + file_extension) # Replace the desired part with the file extension

print(new_filename) # Output: example_data.txt

In the example above, we start with a filename "example_data.txt_part1". We use the os.path.splitext() function to split the filename into the base name ("example_data.txt") and the extension (".part1"). Then, we extract the extension using [1] and remove the leading dot [1: ].

Finally, we use the replace() method to substitute "_part1" with "." concatenated with the extracted file extension. The resulting new_filename will be "example_data.txt".

The exact implementation may vary depending on the programming language you are using, but the concept of splitting the filename, manipulating the parts, and concatenating them remains the same.