How do I find all subdirectories (any number of levels) named "x" using windows batch

  • 1 year ago

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You can use a Windows batch script to find all subdirectories (at any level) named "x" by using a recursive approach. Here's a sample batch script to achieve this:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "target_folder=C:\Your\Root\Folder"
set "search_name=x"

call :processFolder "%target_folder%"

exit /b

for /d %%d in ("%~1\*") do (
if "%%~nxd"=="%search_name%" echo Found: %%~d
call :processFolder "%%~d"
exit /b

Replace C:\Your\Root\Folder with the path of the root folder from which you want to start searching for subdirectories named "x".

Here's how the script works:

  1. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enables the use of delayed expansion to work with variables inside loops.

  2. set "target_folder=C:\Your\Root\Folder" sets the target_folder variable to the root folder you want to start searching from.

  3. set "search_name=x" sets the search_name variable to the name of the subdirectory you are looking for.

  4. The :processFolder label defines a subroutine that takes a folder path as an argument and recursively processes all subdirectories.

  5. The for /d %%d in ("%~1\*") loop iterates through all immediate subdirectories of the given folder (%~1).

  6. if "%%~nxd"=="%search_name%" echo Found: %%~d checks if the subdirectory name (%%~nxd) matches the value of the search_name variable. If it matches, it echoes the full path of the subdirectory.

  7. call :processFolder "%%~d" recursively calls the :processFolder subroutine for each subdirectory found, continuing the search at deeper levels.

  8. exit /b is used to exit the subroutine.

After running the batch script, it will display all the subdirectories (at any level) named "x" under the specified root folder.