How do I make a CommandBarFlyout appear when right-clicking an Image in XAML with WinUI 3?

  • 1 year ago

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To make a CommandBarFlyout appear when right-clicking an Image in XAML with WinUI 3, you can use the RightTapped event of the Image. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Define the CommandBarFlyout in your XAML code, like this:
<CommandBarFlyout x:Name="imageFlyout">
<!-- Define the commands that should appear in the flyout -->
  1. Add the RightTapped event to your Image element, like this:
<Image Source="your_image_source.png" RightTapped="Image_RightTapped" />
  1. In the event handler for the RightTapped event, set the CommandBarFlyout as the Flyout property of the Image element, like this:
private void Image_RightTapped(object sender, RightTappedRoutedEventArgs e)
imageFlyout.ShowAt(sender as UIElement, e.GetPosition(sender as UIElement));

In this code, imageFlyout is the name of the CommandBarFlyout that you defined in step 1. The ShowAt method is called on the CommandBarFlyout to display it at the location of the right-click event. The first argument is the UIElement that the flyout should be attached to, which in this case is the Image that was right-clicked. The second argument is the position of the right-click event relative to the UIElement.

With these steps, you should be able to make a CommandBarFlyout appear when right-clicking an Image in XAML with WinUI 3.