How to convert XML to EVTX?

  • 1 year ago

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To convert XML to EVTX (Event Log XML Format), you can use the "wevtutil" command-line tool provided by Windows. The "wevtutil" tool allows you to manage event logs and perform various operations, including converting XML to EVTX.

Here's the command to convert XML to EVTX using "wevtutil":

wevtutil cl <LogName>
wevtutil im <LogName>.xml /lf:<LogName>.evtx

Replace <LogName> with the name you want to give to the event log. For example, if you want to convert "mylog.xml" to "mylog.evtx", you would use the following commands:

wevtutil cl MyLog
wevtutil im MyLog.xml /lf:MyLog.evtx

Here's a breakdown of the commands:

  1. wevtutil cl <LogName>: This command clears the existing event log with the specified name. This step is necessary if you're converting XML to an existing event log. If you're creating a new event log, you can skip this command.
  2. wevtutil im <LogName>.xml /lf:<LogName>.evtx: This command imports the XML file into the event log. Replace <LogName> with the desired name for the event log. The /lf:<LogName>.evtx option specifies the output EVTX file name.

After running these commands, the XML file will be imported into an EVTX file with the specified name.

Note that the "wevtutil" tool is available on Windows systems, starting from Windows Vista and newer versions.