How to disable the log info like datetime in django celery

  • 1 year ago

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To disable logging the date and time information in Django Celery, you can adjust the logging configuration in your Django settings. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Open your Django settings file (typically

  2. Locate the LOGGING configuration section. If it's not already present, you can add it at the bottom of the settings file.

  3. Inside the LOGGING configuration, find the formatters section. You should see a list of formatter configurations.

  4. Identify the formatter that is being used by Celery logs. It is often named celery or something similar.

  5. Edit the formatter configuration for Celery logs to remove the date and time information. You can remove the % (asctime) part from the format option of the formatter. For example:

    'formatters': {
    'celery': {
    'format': '%(levelname)s: %(message)s',
    # Other formatters...

    This change will remove the date and time information from the log messages produced by Celery.

  6. Save the settings file.

With these changes, the Celery logs in your Django application should no longer include the date and time information. Only the log level and the log message will be displayed.

Keep in mind that this change will affect the entire logging output for Celery, including any other log handlers or loggers that use the same formatter configuration. If you want to customize the logging format for Celery specifically without affecting other parts of your Django application, you can create a separate logger for Celery and assign a different formatter to that logger.

Don't forget to restart your Django application or Celery workers for the changes to take effect.