How to edit the remote file via SSHLibrary?

  • 9 months ago

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The SSHLibrary is a Robot Framework library for interacting with SSH servers, and it doesn't directly provide the capability to edit remote files. However, you can use the SSHLibrary along with other tools like SSH commands or scripts to achieve remote file editing. Here's how you can approach it:

  1. Connect to the Remote Server:

    First, you need to establish an SSH connection to the remote server using the SSHLibrary's keywords. This includes connecting to the server and possibly switching to the appropriate directory where the file you want to edit is located.

  2. Use Remote Commands:

    Once connected, you can use SSH commands to edit the file remotely. For example, you can use echo or printf commands to overwrite the content of the file. Here's an example using the echo command:

    ${command}= Set Variable echo "New content" > filename.txt
    Execute Command ${command}

    Replace "New content" with the content you want to write to the file and filename.txt with the actual filename.

  3. Use Text Editors:

    Alternatively, you can use remote text editors like nano, vim, or emacs to edit the file. Keep in mind that these text editors may require additional configurations or specific keypresses to save the changes and exit.

  4. Close the SSH Connection:

    After editing the file, you can close the SSH connection using the SSHLibrary's keywords.

Here's a complete example using the echo command to edit a remote file:

*** Settings ***
Library SSHLibrary

*** Variables ***
${USERNAME} your_username
${PASSWORD} your_password
${REMOTE_DIR} /path/to/remote/directory
${FILENAME} filename.txt

*** Test Cases ***
Edit Remote File
Open Connection ${HOST}
Execute Command cd ${REMOTE_DIR}
${command}= Set Variable echo "New content" > ${FILENAME}
Execute Command ${command}
Close Connection

Remember to replace placeholders like ${HOST}, ${USERNAME}, ${PASSWORD}, ${REMOTE_DIR}, and ${FILENAME} with your actual values.

Please note that using SSH commands to edit files can be error-prone and may not handle all file editing scenarios or handle error conditions well. If you need more advanced file editing capabilities, consider using tools like SFTP, SCP, or other remote file editing solutions.