How to get text content inside quotation marks from text file using cmd?

  • 1 year ago

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To extract text content inside quotation marks from a text file using the Command Prompt (CMD) in Windows, you can use the findstr command with regular expressions. Here's an example command:

findstr /r /c:"\".*\"" "file.txt"

Let's break down the command:

  • findstr is a command-line tool for searching strings in files.
  • /r specifies that the search string is a regular expression.
  • /c:"\".*\"" sets the search string as a regular expression pattern to match text inside quotation marks. The pattern \".*\" matches any text enclosed within double quotation marks.
  • "file.txt" is the name of the text file you want to search within. Replace it with the actual filename.

When you run this command, it will search the specified file for any occurrences of text enclosed within double quotation marks and display those lines in the Command Prompt.

Note: The findstr command may have limitations in handling certain types of files or complex regular expressions. If you need more advanced text processing capabilities, you might consider using other scripting languages like Python or PowerShell.