How to include all file tree when building kivy app for Windows?

  • 1 year ago

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When building a Kivy app for Windows, you can include the entire file tree by specifying the required files and directories in the Kivy build configuration file (buildozer.spec). Here's how you can include all files and directories in the build:

  1. Open the buildozer.spec file in a text editor.

  2. Locate the [app] section of the file.

  3. Add the following line to include all files and directories in the build:

    source.include_patterns = *.*

    This include_patterns line specifies that all files (*) with any extension (.*) should be included in the build.

  4. Save the buildozer.spec file.

  5. Build your Kivy app using the buildozer command, such as:

    buildozer android debug

    This command builds your Kivy app for the target platform (in this case, Android). Adjust the command based on your target platform (e.g., buildozer windows for Windows).

Including the entire file tree may result in a larger package size, so consider whether it is necessary for your specific application. In some cases, you may want to specify specific directories or file patterns to include or exclude using include_patterns and exclude_patterns in the [app] section of the buildozer.spec file.

Please note that the exact configuration and build process may vary depending on your specific project setup and requirements. Make sure to consult the Kivy documentation and the buildozer.spec file for further customization options and to ensure proper configuration for your build.