How to install performance data helper

  • 1 year ago

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The Performance Data Helper (PDH) is a Windows API that provides functions to collect, query, and manage performance data. To use the Performance Data Helper in your C++ application, you need to include the necessary headers and link your project with the PDH library.

Here are the steps to install and use the Performance Data Helper (PDH):

  1. Include the necessary headers in your C++ source file:
#include <windows.h>
#include <pdh.h>
  1. Link your project with the PDH library:

In Visual Studio, you need to add the PDH library to your project's linker settings. Follow these steps:

a. Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and select "Properties."
b. In the left pane of the properties window, click on "Linker."
c. Under "Input," click on "Additional Dependencies."
d. Add "pdh.lib" to the list of additional dependencies.

  1. Initialize the PDH library in your application:

Before using any PDH functions, you need to call PdhOpenQuery to create a query object.

PdhOpenQuery(NULL, 0, &hQuery);
  1. Use the PDH functions to collect performance data:

You can use various PDH functions to add counters, collect data, and query performance data. For example, PdhAddCounter is used to add a performance counter to the query, and PdhCollectQueryData is used to collect data for all counters in the query.

Here's a simple example that collects the current CPU usage percentage:

PdhAddCounter(hQuery, L"\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time", 0, &hCounter);
PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(hCounter, PDH_FMT_DOUBLE, NULL, &counterValue);
double cpuUsage = counterValue.doubleValue;
  1. Close the PDH query and release resources:

After you are done collecting performance data, make sure to close the query and release resources.


That's it! Now you have successfully installed and used the Performance Data Helper in your C++ application to collect performance data.