How to install V8Js for PHP on XAMPP for Windows?

  • 1 year ago

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Installing V8Js for PHP on XAMPP for Windows involves a few steps to compile and configure the extension properly. V8Js is a PHP extension that allows you to run JavaScript code using the V8 JavaScript engine. Here's a general outline of the process:

  1. Install Visual Studio:
    V8Js requires a compiler to build the extension. You'll need Microsoft Visual Studio to compile it. Download and install Visual Studio Community edition or a compatible version.

  2. Download V8 Source Code:
    V8Js relies on the V8 JavaScript engine. You need to download the V8 source code:

  3. Prepare Command Prompt:
    Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt with administrative privileges:

    • Search for "Visual Studio Command Prompt" in the Windows Start menu.
    • Right-click and choose "Run as administrator."
  4. Navigate to V8 Source Directory:
    Use the command prompt to navigate to the directory where you downloaded the V8 source code.

  5. Build V8:
    Build the V8 engine by following these steps:

    • Run gclient sync to fetch dependencies.
    • Run python tools/dev/ x64.release to generate build files.
    • Run ninja -C to build V8. This might take a while.
  6. Build V8Js Extension:
    Once V8 is built, you can build the V8Js extension:

    • Navigate to the ext directory of the V8Js repository: v8js\src
    • Run phpize to prepare the build configuration.
    • Run configure --with-v8js=<V8_SOURCE_DIRECTORY> where <V8_SOURCE_DIRECTORY> is the path to the V8 source directory you downloaded earlier.
    • Run nmake to build the extension. This will generate a .dll file.
  7. Copy Extension to PHP Extensions Directory:
    Copy the compiled .dll file to your XAMPP's PHP extensions directory:

    • Locate your XAMPP's PHP extensions directory (usually xampp\php\ext).
    • Copy the compiled .dll file to this directory.
  8. Enable the Extension:
    Open your PHP configuration file (usually php.ini located in xampp\php), and add the following line to enable the V8Js extension:

  9. Restart Apache:
    After enabling the extension, restart your Apache server using the XAMPP control panel.

  10. Test V8Js:
    Create a PHP file with the following code to test if V8Js is working:

    $v8 = new V8Js();
    $result = $v8->executeString("'Hello, ' + 'V8Js!'");
    echo $result;

    Place this file in your XAMPP's web directory (usually xampp\htdocs) and access it through your web browser.

Remember that building and configuring extensions can be complex and dependent on your system setup. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and consult the official documentation if needed.