How to install WinUSB driver through code

  • 1 year ago

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To install the WinUSB driver programmatically, you can use the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and the Device Management functions provided by the Windows API. Here are the general steps to install the WinUSB driver:

  1. Prepare the WinUSB Driver Package:
    Create or obtain the WinUSB driver package, which typically consists of an INF file and the necessary driver files.

  2. Determine the Device Hardware ID:
    Identify the hardware ID of the device for which you want to install the WinUSB driver. You can find the hardware ID in the device properties or through the Device Manager.

  3. Enumerate and Locate the Device:
    Use the Windows API functions such as SetupDiGetClassDevs and SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces to enumerate the devices and locate the specific device based on its hardware ID.

  4. Retrieve the Device Interface Data:
    Obtain the device interface data using the SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail function to retrieve the device path and other necessary information.

  5. Open the Device:
    Open the device by calling CreateFile with the retrieved device path. This will provide a handle to the device.

  6. Install the WinUSB Driver:
    Use the SetupCopyOEMInf function to install the WinUSB driver by specifying the INF file and the device interface data.

  7. Configure the Device for WinUSB:
    After the driver installation, configure the device to use the WinUSB driver. You can use functions such as SetupDiSetDeviceInterfaceProperty to set the required properties for the device.

  8. Close Device Handles and Cleanup:
    Close the device handle and clean up any resources or handles that were opened during the installation process.

Please note that the code implementation and exact functions used will depend on the programming language and platform you are working with. The Windows API functions mentioned above are commonly used in C/C++ programming, but equivalent functions may exist in other programming languages.

It's also important to have the appropriate permissions and privileges to install drivers on the system. Administrative privileges may be required to perform driver installation operations.

For detailed code examples and step-by-step instructions, you can refer to the Windows Driver Kit documentation, Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) articles, or search for WinUSB driver installation examples in your preferred programming language.