How to kill Bazel server process on Windows 11?

  • 1 year ago

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To kill the Bazel server process on Windows 11, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Task Manager: Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.

  2. Locate the Bazel server process: In the Task Manager window, go to the "Processes" or "Details" tab (depending on your Task Manager version).

  3. Find the Bazel server process: Look for a process named bazel.exe or bazel in the list of running processes. The process should have a description or image name indicating it is related to Bazel.

  4. Terminate the Bazel server process: Right-click on the Bazel server process and select "End Task" or "End Process" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can select the process and click the "End Task" button at the bottom right corner of the Task Manager window.

  5. Confirm the termination: If prompted with a confirmation dialog, click "End Process" or "End Task" to confirm the termination of the Bazel server process.

After following these steps, the Bazel server process should be terminated, and you can proceed with any other tasks or actions as needed.

Please note that terminating the Bazel server process forcefully may interrupt ongoing Bazel operations or builds. Make sure to save any unsaved work or changes before terminating the process.