How to make the proxy settings of a windows VM by using desired state configuration (DSC) in Azure?

  • 1 year ago

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To configure the proxy settings of a Windows VM in Azure using Desired State Configuration (DSC), you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a DSC configuration: Define a DSC configuration file that describes the desired state of the VM. The configuration should include the proxy settings you want to apply. Here's an example of a DSC configuration for configuring proxy settings:
configuration ProxyConfig {
param (

Node localhost {
$registryPath = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings'

Registry 'ProxyEnable' {
Key = $registryPath
ValueName = 'ProxyEnable'
ValueType = 'DWord'
ValueData = 1

Registry 'ProxyServer' {
Key = $registryPath
ValueName = 'ProxyServer'
ValueType = 'String'
ValueData = "$ProxyAddress:$ProxyPort"

In this example, the DSC configuration sets the ProxyEnable registry value to 1 and sets the ProxyServer registry value to the specified proxy address and port.

  1. Compile the DSC configuration: Use the Publish-DscConfiguration cmdlet in PowerShell to compile the DSC configuration into a .MOF file. Run the following command:
Publish-DscConfiguration -Path .\ProxyConfig -OutputPath .\ProxyConfig\ProxyConfig.mof

This command will compile the ProxyConfig configuration and generate a .MOF file in the specified output path.

  1. Create an Azure Automation Account: In the Azure portal, create an Azure Automation Account. This account will be used to manage the DSC configurations and apply them to Azure VMs.

  2. Import the DSC configuration: In the Azure Automation Account, import the compiled .MOF file by following these steps:

    • Go to the "Configurations" section of the Automation Account.
    • Click on "Import Configuration".
    • Select the .MOF file generated in Step 2 and import it.
  3. Create a DSC node configuration: Create a DSC node configuration in the Azure Automation Account. This configuration will associate the VM with the DSC configuration. Here's an example of a DSC node configuration:

Configuration NodeConfig {
param (



Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'

Node $VMName {
Settings {
RefreshMode = 'Pull'
RefreshFrequencyMins = 30

ConfigurationRepositoryWeb AzureAutomation
ServerURL = "https://$"
RegistrationKey = Get-AutomationRegistrationKey -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName
ConfigurationNames = @('ProxyConfig')

NodeConfig -VMName 'YourVMName' -ResourceGroupName 'YourResourceGroup' -AutomationAccountName 'YourAutomationAccountName'

In this example, the node configuration sets the refresh mode and frequency for pulling configuration updates from Azure Automation. It also specifies the URL of the Azure Automation account, the registration key, and the name of the DSC configuration (ProxyConfig).

  1. Apply the DSC configuration to the VM: To apply the DSC configuration to the VM, you can use the Azure VM extension called "DSC Extension". The DSC Extension downloads