How to pass "Windows App Certification Kit - Test" of a UWP app which has "Restricted namespace"?

  • 1 year ago

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Passing the "Windows App Certification Kit - Test" for a UWP (Universal Windows Platform) app that uses a restricted namespace requires specific steps to ensure compliance with the Windows Store certification requirements. Here are some general guidelines to help you pass the certification:

  1. Justify the Use of Restricted Namespace:

    • If your app requires the use of a restricted namespace, you need to provide a detailed justification for its usage in the app's submission notes or in the app's documentation.
    • Clearly explain why the restricted namespace is necessary and how it enhances the functionality or user experience of the app.
    • Microsoft will review the justification and make a determination on whether the usage of the restricted namespace is appropriate.
  2. Submit a Restricted Capability Request:

    • In addition to justifying the use of a restricted namespace, you may need to request a restricted capability to accompany the usage of the restricted namespace.
    • Review the list of available restricted capabilities provided by Microsoft and determine if your app requires any of them.
    • Submit a request for the required restricted capability through the Windows Dev Center Dashboard or Partner Center.
  3. Provide Detailed Documentation:

    • Create and submit detailed documentation that explains the usage of the restricted namespace and the restricted capability in your app.
    • Describe how the app utilizes the restricted features and how it ensures compliance with the app certification policies.
    • Include step-by-step instructions for Microsoft reviewers on how to test and verify the app's functionality.
  4. Test with Windows App Certification Kit Locally:

    • Before submitting your app, run the Windows App Certification Kit locally on your development machine to identify and address any potential issues.
    • This will help you catch any certification failures or compatibility problems before submitting the app for certification.
  5. Address Certification Failures:

    • If your app fails the certification test, carefully review the certification report and address any issues mentioned.
    • Follow the guidance provided in the certification report to resolve the failures and resubmit the app for certification.

It's important to note that the usage of restricted namespaces and capabilities in UWP apps is subject to strict review and may not always be approved by Microsoft. Make sure to thoroughly justify the need for the restricted namespace and follow the documentation and guidelines provided by Microsoft during the app submission process.

For more specific guidance and support, it's recommended to refer to the official Microsoft documentation, contact the Microsoft Developer Support, or engage with the Windows Developer Community forums.