how to set up phpredis for php 7.2

  • 1 year ago

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To set up the phpredis extension for PHP 7.2, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the phpredis source code: Go to the phpredis GitHub repository ( and download the source code for the desired version compatible with PHP 7.2. You can either download a ZIP archive or clone the repository using Git.

  2. Extract the source code: Extract the downloaded source code to a directory on your system.

  3. Install required dependencies: Before building phpredis, ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed. On Linux, you typically need the php-dev package and the Redis server development files. Use your package manager (e.g., apt, yum) to install them.

  4. Build and install phpredis:

    • Linux:

      • Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you extracted the phpredis source code.
      • Run the following commands:
        sudo make install
      • This will build the phpredis extension and install it to the appropriate PHP extensions directory.
    • Windows:

      • Ensure that you have a suitable C compiler (e.g., Visual Studio) and the PHP source code corresponding to your PHP version installed.
      • Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you extracted the phpredis source code.
      • Run the following commands:
        configure --with-php-config="<path-to-php-config>"
        nmake install
      • Replace <path-to-php-config> with the actual path to the php-config utility, which is typically located in the PHP installation directory.
  5. Configure php.ini: Open your php.ini configuration file and add the following line to enable the phpredis extension:

  6. Restart the web server: After making the changes, restart your web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx) for the configuration to take effect.

  7. Verify the installation: Create a PHP script with the following code to test if the phpredis extension is working correctly:

    $redis = new Redis();
    $redis->connect('localhost', 6379);
    echo "Connected to Redis successfully.";

    Run the script in a web browser or execute it via the command line (php your-script.php). If you see the "Connected to Redis successfully" message, it means the phpredis extension is functioning properly.

By following these steps, you can set up the phpredis extension for PHP 7.2 and establish a connection to a Redis server. Make sure to use the correct version of phpredis that is compatible with PHP 7.2.