I can't delete a TabView tab when it is selected in WinUI 3

  • 1 year ago

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In WinUI 3, you cannot delete a TabViewItem that is currently selected in a TabView control. This is because the TabView control requires at least one tab to be visible at all times.

To delete a TabViewItem that is currently selected, you must first select another tab. Here's an example of how you can do this:

  1. Get the currently selected TabViewItem:
TabViewItem selectedTab = myTabView.SelectedItem as TabViewItem;
  1. Create an event handler for the TabView.TabCloseRequested event:
myTabView.TabCloseRequested += MyTabView_TabCloseRequested;
  1. In the event handler, check if the TabViewItem being closed is the currently selected tab. If it is, select another tab before removing the selected tab:
private void MyTabView_TabCloseRequested(TabView sender, TabViewTabCloseRequestedEventArgs args)
if (args.Tab == myTabView.SelectedItem)
// Select another tab
int selectedIndex = myTabView.TabItems.IndexOf(args.Tab);
myTabView.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex == 0 ? 1 : selectedIndex - 1;

// Remove the tab

In this example, the TabView.TabCloseRequested event is handled by the MyTabView_TabCloseRequested method. The method first checks if the TabViewItem being closed is the currently selected tab. If it is, the method selects another tab before removing the selected tab. The selected index is calculated using the IndexOf method of the TabItems collection, and the SelectedIndex property is set to the new index. Finally, the TabViewItem is removed from the TabItems collection.

By selecting another tab before removing the selected tab, you can delete a TabViewItem even when it is currently selected in a TabView control in WinUI 3.