Icons not showing in powershell after installing posh-git

  • 1 year ago

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If you installed posh-git for PowerShell and the icons are not showing up, it could be due to the font used in your PowerShell terminal not supporting the required icons. Here's what you can do to resolve the issue:

  1. Check Font Support: First, check if the font you are using in your PowerShell terminal supports the required icons. posh-git relies on Powerline fonts or Nerd Fonts that include special glyphs for icons. Some commonly used fonts that support these icons are Consolas, Meslo, and Cascadia Code. Make sure you have one of these fonts installed and set as the font for your PowerShell terminal.

  2. Configure PowerShell Profile: Open your PowerShell profile script ($PROFILE) in a text editor. You can do this by running notepad $PROFILE in PowerShell. If the file doesn't exist, create a new one.

  3. Add Font Configuration: Add the following code to your PowerShell profile script to configure the font for posh-git:

    if (Test-Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\{YourFontName}.ttf") {
    Set-PSReadLineOption -FontFamily "{YourFontName}"

    Replace {YourFontName} with the name of the font you want to use, such as Consolas, Meslo, or Cascadia Code.

  4. Save and Reload Profile: Save the PowerShell profile script and restart your PowerShell terminal. This will reload the profile script and apply the font configuration.

After following these steps, the icons should appear correctly in your PowerShell terminal when using posh-git. If the issue persists, try using a different font or refer to the documentation of posh-git for any additional troubleshooting steps.