Is there a way to directly manipulate the console screen buffer on windows from python?

  • 1 year ago

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Yes, you can directly manipulate the console screen buffer on Windows from Python using the ctypes module. ctypes allows you to access and call functions from dynamic link libraries (DLLs) in Windows, including the functions provided by the Windows API for console manipulation.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to manipulate the console screen buffer in Python:

import ctypes

# Load the Windows API library (kernel32.dll)
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32

# Get a handle to the console screen buffer
handle = kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11) # -11 represents the standard output handle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)

# Set the console screen buffer size
buffer_size = ctypes.wintypes.COORD(120, 30) # Set the buffer size to 120 columns and 30 rows
kernel32.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(handle, buffer_size)

# Set the console window size
window_size = ctypes.wintypes.SMALL_RECT(0, 0, 79, 29) # Set the window size to 80 columns and 30 rows
kernel32.SetConsoleWindowInfo(handle, True, ctypes.byref(window_size))

# Set the console cursor position
cursor_position = ctypes.wintypes.COORD(10, 5) # Set the cursor position to column 10, row 5
kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, cursor_position)

In this example, we use the ctypes.windll.kernel32 object to access functions from the kernel32.dll library. We obtain a handle to the console screen buffer using the GetStdHandle function, and then we can call various functions such as SetConsoleScreenBufferSize, SetConsoleWindowInfo, and SetConsoleCursorPosition to manipulate the console.

Note that the function signatures and parameter types used in the example are based on the Windows API documentation. You may need to adjust them according to your specific requirements and the version of the Windows API you are targeting.

By using ctypes and the Windows API functions, you can directly manipulate the console screen buffer in Python on Windows. This allows you to control the size, position, and appearance of the console window and cursor, as well as perform other console-related operations.