Jenkins with "agent none" on pipeline stage fails

  • 1 year ago

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If you're using the agent none directive in a Jenkins pipeline stage and the stage is failing, there are a few things you can check to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify that your Jenkins installation has enough executor slots available. If you've set the agent none directive, it means that the stage won't run on any of the Jenkins agents, and will instead run on the Jenkins master itself. This means that you need to have enough executor slots available on the master for the stage to run. You can check the number of executor slots available in the Jenkins master by going to Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes and Clouds and looking at the Executors column.

  2. Check the logs for any error messages that might indicate why the stage is failing. When you run a pipeline stage with agent none, any errors that occur during the stage will be logged to the Jenkins console output. Make sure to check the console output for any error messages that might help you identify the problem.

  3. Check that any dependencies or tools required by the stage are installed on the Jenkins master. When you use agent none, the stage will run on the Jenkins master, which means that any dependencies or tools required by the stage need to be installed on the master. Make sure that any necessary software is installed and configured correctly.

  4. Try running the stage with a different agent directive to see if it works. If you're having trouble getting the stage to work with agent none, try running the stage with a different agent directive, such as agent any or agent label. This can help you narrow down whether the problem is with the stage itself, or with the agent none directive.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve any issues that are preventing your Jenkins pipeline stage from running with agent none.