jest-html reporter not generating result when there are failing test cases

  • 1 year ago

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The behavior you described, where the Jest HTML reporter does not generate results when there are failing test cases, might be due to misconfiguration or other issues with the reporter setup. Jest itself does not have a built-in HTML reporter, so the issue is likely related to the specific Jest HTML reporter package you are using.

To troubleshoot and fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Verify HTML Reporter Package:
    Make sure you are using a valid and up-to-date Jest HTML reporter package. The official Jest HTML reporter package is "jest-html-reporter," and it is actively maintained. Install or update it using npm:

    npm install jest-html-reporter --save-dev
  2. Configure Jest to Use the HTML Reporter:
    Ensure that you have configured Jest to use the HTML reporter in your Jest configuration (usually in the "jest.config.js" file or the "package.json" file). Add the following configuration to your Jest settings:

    "jest": {
    "reporters": [
    ["jest-html-reporter", {
    "pageTitle": "Test Report",
    "outputPath": "test-report.html",
    "includeFailureMsg": true

    The above configuration will use the Jest default reporter along with the HTML reporter. The HTML reporter will generate a report with the title "Test Report" and save it to the "test-report.html" file in the project root. The includeFailureMsg option will include failure messages in the report for failing test cases.

  3. Run Jest Tests:
    After configuring Jest with the HTML reporter, run your Jest tests again:

  4. Check Output Directory:
    After running the tests, check the project root for the "test-report.html" file. If the tests failed, the HTML report should contain details about the failing test cases.

If you still encounter issues with the HTML reporter, ensure that your Jest configuration is correct and that the HTML reporter package is properly installed. Additionally, check for any error messages in the console during the test execution, as they may provide clues about the problem.

If you prefer a different Jest HTML reporter package, double-check its documentation and configuration requirements to ensure it works as expected with Jest and your specific setup.