Launch application minimized if launched by system

  • 1 year ago

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To launch an application minimized when it is started by the system, you can achieve this by modifying the application's shortcut or by adding a command-line argument to the application itself. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Modify the Application Shortcut:
    If the application is started by a shortcut in the Startup folder or other locations, you can modify the shortcut's properties to launch the application minimized.

    • Locate the application's shortcut (e.g., in the Startup folder or on the desktop).
    • Right-click on the shortcut and choose "Properties."
    • In the "Shortcut" tab, look for the "Run" dropdown list and select "Minimized."
    • Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the changes.

    When the system starts, and the application is launched through this modified shortcut, it will start minimized.

  2. Use Command-Line Argument:
    If you want to control the application's behavior programmatically, you can modify the application itself to recognize a command-line argument that indicates it should start minimized.

    In your application code (e.g., if it's a Python, C#, or Java application), you can check for a command-line argument when the application starts. If a specific argument (e.g., "-minimized") is present, you can use platform-specific code to start the application minimized.

    Here's a basic example in Python:

    import sys
    import subprocess

    if "-minimized" in sys.argv:
    if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
    # Windows-specific code to start the application minimized
    subprocess.Popen(["cmd", "/c", "start", "min", "your_application.exe"])
    elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
    # macOS-specific code to start the application minimized
    subprocess.Popen(["osascript", "-e", 'tell application "System Events" to set visible of every process whose name is "your_application" to false'])
    # Your normal application code
    # ...

    In this example, if the application is started with the "-minimized" argument, it will use platform-specific code to start the application minimized.

Remember that the specific implementation may vary depending on the programming language and platform you are using. Adjust the code accordingly to suit your application and platform requirements.