Lua io.popen() - Accessing Shared Drive on Windows

  • 1 year ago

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To access a shared drive on Windows using io.popen() in Lua, you can use the UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path to specify the network location of the shared drive. Here's an example:

local sharedDrivePath = [[\\server\share\folder\file.txt]]
local command = string.format("type \"%s\"", sharedDrivePath)

local handle = io.popen(command)
local output = handle:read("*a")


In this example, we use the type command in Windows to read the contents of a file located on the shared drive. The shared drive path is specified using the UNC path format \\server\share\folder\file.txt. Replace server, share, folder, and file.txt with the actual values corresponding to your shared drive and file.

The io.popen() function is used to execute the type command and capture the output. The command is constructed with the shared drive path using string.format(). After executing the command, we read the output using handle:read("*a"), and finally, we close the handle.

Make sure that the shared drive is accessible from the machine where you are running the Lua script. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions and network access to read the files on the shared drive.

Note: The availability and functionality of certain commands may vary depending on the Windows version and configuration. Adjust the command as needed to suit your requirements.