Media Foundation: Custom Topology with Direct3D 11

  • 1 year ago

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Creating a custom Media Foundation topology with Direct3D 11 involves several steps. Here's a high-level overview of the process:

  1. Initialize Media Foundation and Direct3D 11:

    • Initialize Media Foundation by calling MFStartup.
    • Create a Direct3D 11 device and device context by using the D3D11CreateDevice function.
  2. Create Media Foundation Objects:

    • Create a media session by calling MFCreateMediaSession.
    • Create a media source object representing your video source. The specific type of media source will depend on your use case (e.g., file source, network source).
    • Create a media sink object representing your output destination. For Direct3D 11 rendering, you can use the IMFMediaSink interface.
  3. Create the Custom Topology:

    • Create the topology object by calling MFCreateTopology.
    • Add the media source and media sink to the topology by calling IMFTopology::AddNode.
    • Create the video renderer node by calling MFCreateVideoRendererActivate.
    • Set the presentation clock on the video renderer by calling IMFVideoRenderer::SetClock.
    • Connect the media source and video renderer nodes by calling IMFTopology::ConnectOutput.
    • Set the topology on the media session by calling IMFMediaSession::SetTopology.
  4. Handle Events and Start Playback:

    • Implement an event handler by implementing the IMFAsyncCallback interface.
    • Register the event handler with the media session by calling IMFMediaSession::BeginGetEvent.
    • Handle various events (e.g., MESessionTopologyStatus, MESessionStarted, MESessionEnded) in your event handler.
    • Start playback by calling IMFMediaSession::Start.
  5. Process and Render Frames:

    • Retrieve video frames from your video source and process them.
    • Use Direct3D 11 rendering techniques to render the frames onto a target surface (e.g., swap chain).
  6. Cleanup and Shutdown:

    • Stop playback and release resources by calling appropriate Media Foundation and Direct3D 11 cleanup functions.
    • Shut down Media Foundation by calling MFShutdown.

This is a high-level overview, and the specific implementation details will depend on your requirements and the structure of your application. It's recommended to refer to the official Microsoft documentation and examples for more detailed information on creating custom topologies with Direct3D 11 in Media Foundation.