Net6 C#, Linux vs Windows, different floating point calculations?

  • 1 year ago

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In .NET 6, the behavior of floating-point calculations in C# should be consistent across different platforms, including Linux and Windows. The .NET runtime provides consistent handling of floating-point operations according to the IEEE 754 standard.

The IEEE 754 standard defines the rules and precision for floating-point arithmetic, ensuring consistent behavior across platforms and programming languages that adhere to the standard.

While there may be slight differences in floating-point calculations due to hardware architecture or specific compiler optimizations, the .NET runtime aims to provide predictable and consistent behavior regardless of the operating system.

However, it's important to note that floating-point calculations inherently have limitations in terms of precision and rounding errors. These limitations are not specific to any particular platform or programming language but are inherent to floating-point arithmetic. Therefore, it's crucial to understand the limitations of floating-point numbers and be aware of potential rounding errors when performing calculations.

In summary, you should expect consistent behavior for floating-point calculations in C# across different platforms, including Linux and Windows, when using .NET 6. Any differences observed are likely due to the inherent limitations of floating-point arithmetic rather than platform-specific behavior.