Nodejs as Windows Service can't read files on network drive

  • 1 year ago

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When running a Node.js Windows service, it may encounter issues reading files on a network drive due to the service's security context and permissions. Here are a few potential solutions to address this problem:

  1. Configure the service to run under a user account with access to the network drive. By default, Windows services run under the "Local System" account, which may not have permission to access network resources. You can change the service's "Log On" properties to specify a user account that has the necessary access rights.

  2. Map the network drive within the Node.js service. You can use the net use command to map the network drive to a drive letter within the service's context. For example:

    net use Z: \\network\path /user:username password

    Replace Z: with the desired drive letter, \\network\path with the network path of the shared drive, and username and password with valid credentials for accessing the network drive.

  3. Use UNC paths directly. Instead of accessing the network drive using a mapped drive letter, you can use the UNC (Uniform Naming Convention) path directly in your Node.js code. For example:

    const filePath = '\\\\network\\path\\file.txt';
  4. Adjust the security permissions on the network drive. Ensure that the user account under which the service runs has the necessary read permissions on the network drive and files/folders you want to access.

Remember to restart the Node.js service after making any configuration changes for them to take effect.

It's worth noting that accessing network resources from a Windows service may involve additional complexities related to security and authentication. Ensure that you follow best practices and consider any security implications when granting access to network drives within a service.