NPM Script Concurrently, Not Using Working Dir But Defaulting to Home Dir (Windows)

  • 1 year ago

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When using the concurrently package in an NPM script on Windows and experiencing issues with the working directory defaulting to the home directory, you can try a few troubleshooting steps:

  1. Specify the working directory explicitly: In your NPM script, provide the cwd (current working directory) option to the concurrently command to ensure it runs in the desired directory. For example:

    "scripts": {
    "start": "concurrently --cwd ./path/to/project \"command1\" \"command2\""

    Replace ./path/to/project with the actual path to your project.

  2. Use the chdir command: If specifying the working directory directly does not work, you can try using the chdir command before the concurrently command in your NPM script. This command changes the current directory before executing the subsequent command. For example:

    "scripts": {
    "start": "cd ./path/to/project && concurrently \"command1\" \"command2\""

    Replace ./path/to/project with the actual path to your project.

  3. Check for any conflicting environment variables: Ensure that there are no conflicting environment variables that may affect the working directory when executing the NPM script. Some environment variables, such as HOME, can influence the default behavior of command-line tools. Check your system's environment variables and remove or modify any that may be causing conflicts.

  4. Update concurrently and Node.js: Make sure you are using the latest version of the concurrently package and the most recent stable version of Node.js. Updating to the latest versions can help resolve any known issues or bugs.

  5. Consider alternative package options: If you are still experiencing issues, you might consider using alternative packages for running commands concurrently, such as npm-run-all or parallelshell. These packages offer similar functionality to concurrently and may provide a different behavior or workaround for your specific use case.

By following these steps, you can address the issue of the working directory defaulting to the home directory when using the concurrently package in an NPM script on Windows.