PHP 7.1+ Windows readline extension not all functions exist

  • 1 year ago

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As of PHP 7.1, the readline extension in Windows does not provide the full set of functions available on other operating systems like Linux or macOS. This limitation is due to the differences in the underlying libraries and capabilities available on Windows.

On Windows, PHP uses the libedit library for readline functionality instead of the GNU Readline library used on Unix-based systems. As a result, some functions that are available on Unix systems might not be supported on Windows.

Here are the readline functions that are available on Windows as of PHP 7.1:

  1. readline(): Reads a line from the user.

  2. readline_add_history(): Adds a line to the history.

  3. readline_clear_history(): Clears the command line history.

  4. readline_completion_function(): Sets a custom completion function for tab-completion.

  5. readline_info(): Retrieves various information about the readline library.

  6. readline_list_history(): Lists the command line history.

  7. readline_on_new_line(): Inform readline that the cursor has moved to a new line.

  8. readline_read_history(): Reads the command line history from a file.

  9. readline_redisplay(): Redisplay the prompt and the currently entered line.

  10. readline_write_history(): Writes the command line history to a file.

If you need additional readline functionality on Windows, you may have to explore alternative solutions or workarounds. For instance, you could implement your custom input handling using other PHP functions or libraries.

Alternatively, you might consider using a different console input library that provides more features and is compatible with Windows, like "Readline for Windows" ( or "Libedit for Windows" (

Before using any alternative readline library, ensure that it supports your specific use case and is compatible with your PHP version. Additionally, verify that it does not cause conflicts or issues with other parts of your application or PHP environment.