pygame - Fullscreen game graphics shift when re-entering the game window

  • 1 year ago

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If you are experiencing graphics shifting issues in a Pygame application when re-entering the game window in fullscreen mode, it is likely due to a problem with the window resolution and display settings. Here are some common reasons for this issue and potential solutions:

  1. Resolution Mismatch: Ensure that the game resolution matches the native resolution of your display. When switching to fullscreen mode, Pygame may attempt to change the resolution to match the display, which can cause graphics shifting if the aspect ratios don't match.

    Solution: Adjust your game's resolution to match your display's native resolution. You can get the display's current resolution using pygame.display.Info().

  2. Window Size and Position: When switching between windowed and fullscreen modes, the position and size of the game window might be affected, causing the graphics to shift.

    Solution: Make sure that you set the window size and position correctly when switching modes. You can use pygame.display.set_mode() to set the window size and pygame.display.set_mode(flags=pygame.FULLSCREEN) to switch to fullscreen mode.

  3. Graphics Scaling: The graphics might not be properly scaled to the new resolution when entering fullscreen mode, leading to graphics shifting.

    Solution: Ensure that your game's graphics are appropriately scaled to fit the fullscreen resolution. You can use Pygame's pygame.transform.scale() function to scale the images to the desired resolution.

  4. VSync and Double Buffering: In some cases, enabling VSync or double buffering can help prevent graphics tearing and shifting issues.

    Solution: Try enabling VSync and double buffering in Pygame using pygame.display.set_mode() with the appropriate flags.

Here's an example of how to set up a Pygame window in fullscreen mode with VSync and double buffering enabled:

import pygame


# Get the native resolution of the display
display_info = pygame.display.Info()
screen_width, screen_height = display_info.current_w, display_info.current_h

# Set up the Pygame window in fullscreen mode with VSync and double buffering
flags = pygame.FULLSCREEN | pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height), flags)

# Your game loop goes here
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False

# Update and draw your game here



Remember to adjust your game's graphics and rendering logic to work smoothly in fullscreen mode. If the issue persists, it may be related to your specific code, and you may need to provide more details for further assistance.