PyTorch Extension on Windows - why unresolved Symbols (THFloatTensor etc.)?

  • 1 year ago

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Unresolved symbol errors related to THFloatTensor and similar symbols typically occur when there is a mismatch between the PyTorch library and the PyTorch extension you are trying to use. This can happen due to several reasons, such as incompatible versions, build configurations, or missing dependencies.

Here are some steps you can take to address unresolved symbol errors when using PyTorch extensions on Windows:

  1. Check PyTorch Version Compatibility: Ensure that the PyTorch version installed on your system is compatible with the PyTorch extension you are trying to use. Different versions of PyTorch may have different symbol names or APIs, leading to unresolved symbol errors. Make sure you are using compatible versions of both PyTorch and the extension.

  2. Confirm Compiler and Build Configurations: Verify that the extension was built using the same compiler and build configurations as your PyTorch installation. Incompatible compiler versions or build settings can cause unresolved symbol errors. Ideally, both PyTorch and the extension should be built with the same compiler (e.g., Visual Studio version) and use compatible build configurations (e.g., Release/Debug, 32-bit/64-bit).

  3. Ensure Dependencies are Installed: Some PyTorch extensions require additional dependencies or libraries. Make sure you have installed any required dependencies mentioned in the extension's documentation or readme file. Missing dependencies can lead to unresolved symbol errors.

  4. Rebuild the Extension: If you have the source code for the PyTorch extension, try rebuilding it from scratch. Ensure that you have set up the build environment correctly and follow the provided build instructions carefully. Rebuilding the extension can help ensure that it is built against the correct version of PyTorch and resolves any symbol-related issues.

  5. Report the Issue: If you have followed the above steps and are still experiencing unresolved symbol errors, it may be helpful to report the issue to the PyTorch extension's maintainers. Provide them with details about the PyTorch version, extension version, and any error messages you are encountering. They may be able to provide guidance or updates to resolve the issue.

It's worth noting that troubleshooting such issues can be complex and may require expertise in building and configuring PyTorch extensions. Consulting the extension's documentation, GitHub repository, or the PyTorch community can often provide more specific guidance based on the extension you are using.