Running python matplotlibcpp in Visual Studio 2019

  • 1 year ago

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To run Python code that uses the matplotlibcpp library in Visual Studio 2019, you'll need to configure your project settings to include the necessary dependencies and specify the Python interpreter. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open Visual Studio 2019 and create a new C++ project (e.g., Console Application).

  2. Right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer and select "Properties."

  3. In the project properties window, go to the "Configuration Properties" section and select "Debugging."

  4. In the "Environment" field, add the following line to specify the Python interpreter path:


    Replace C:\Path\to\your\Python\Interpreter with the actual path to your Python interpreter directory.

  5. Go to the "C/C++" section in the project properties window and select "General."

  6. In the "Additional Include Directories" field, add the path to the matplotlibcpp.h header file. For example, if it's located in C:\Path\to\matplotlibcpp\, add that path.

  7. Go to the "Linker" section in the project properties window and select "General."

  8. In the "Additional Library Directories" field, add the path to the lib directory of your Python interpreter. For example, if it's located in C:\Path\to\your\Python\Interpreter\libs\, add that path.

  9. Still in the "Linker" section, select "Input."

  10. In the "Additional Dependencies" field, add the necessary Python libraries. For matplotlibcpp, you'll need to add python3.lib or python36.lib, depending on the version you're using.

  11. Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the project properties.

  12. Write your C++ code that uses matplotlibcpp in the Visual Studio editor.

  13. Build and run your project to execute the Python code.

Ensure that you have the required Python packages installed, including matplotlib and numpy, as matplotlibcpp relies on them. You can install these packages using pip.

Note that these steps assume you have already installed Python and configured Visual Studio 2019 correctly. Make sure you have the necessary Python development tools and the corresponding Python interpreter for your project.