Rust Bindgen: Setting include path on windows

  • 1 year ago

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To set the include path for Rust Bindgen on Windows, you can use the clang_args method provided by the Bindgen Builder. This method allows you to specify additional arguments to be passed to the underlying Clang compiler.

Here's an example of how you can set the include path using Rust Bindgen:

use bindgen::Builder;

fn main() {
// Create a new Bindgen Builder
let mut builder = Builder::default();

// Set the path to your C/C++ header file
builder = builder.header("path/to/header.h");

// Set the include path
builder = builder.clang_args(&["-I", "path/to/includes"]);

// Generate the bindings
let bindings = builder.generate().expect("Unable to generate bindings");

// Write the bindings to a file
bindings.write_to_file("path/to/").expect("Unable to write bindings to file");

In the code above, replace "path/to/header.h" with the path to your C/C++ header file that you want to generate bindings for. Replace "path/to/includes" with the path to the directory containing the header files that you want Bindgen to include.

The clang_args method allows you to pass additional arguments to Clang using the same syntax as you would on the command line. In this case, we're using the -I flag followed by the path to the include directory.

Note that you'll need to have Clang installed on your system and available in your system's PATH environment variable for Bindgen to work properly. Make sure you have Clang installed and configured correctly before using Bindgen with custom include paths.

By setting the include path using the clang_args method, you can specify the necessary include directories for Bindgen to properly generate the Rust bindings for your C/C++ code on Windows.