Script which run open SSL on windows

  • 1 year ago

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To run OpenSSL on Windows, you can either use the standalone OpenSSL executable or use it via the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) if you have it installed. Here's a step-by-step guide for both methods:

  1. Standalone OpenSSL Executable:

    1. Download OpenSSL for Windows:
      Visit the official OpenSSL website ( and download the Windows version of OpenSSL suitable for your architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). Choose the appropriate installer or ZIP package.

    2. Install OpenSSL (Installer Method) or Extract ZIP (ZIP Method):
      If you downloaded the installer, run it, and follow the installation wizard's instructions. If you downloaded the ZIP package, extract its contents to a folder of your choice.

    3. Open Command Prompt (cmd):
      Press Win + R to open the Run dialog, type "cmd," and press Enter.

    4. Navigate to the OpenSSL Installation Directory (for ZIP Method):
      If you used the ZIP method to install OpenSSL, navigate to the folder where you extracted the OpenSSL files using the cd command. For example:

      cd C:\path\to\openssl_folder
    5. Use OpenSSL Commands:
      Now you can run OpenSSL commands in the Command Prompt. For example, to check the OpenSSL version, you can run:

      openssl version
  2. OpenSSL via Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL):

    1. Install WSL:
      If you haven't already, enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux and install a Linux distribution of your choice (e.g., Ubuntu) from the Microsoft Store. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the Linux distribution.

    2. Open the Linux Terminal (WSL):
      Press Win + R to open the Run dialog, type the name of the installed Linux distribution (e.g., "Ubuntu"), and press Enter. This will open the Linux terminal.

    3. Update Package List (Ubuntu/Debian-based):
      In the Linux terminal, run the following command to update the package list:

      sudo apt update
    4. Install OpenSSL (Ubuntu/Debian-based):
      Run the following command to install OpenSSL:

      sudo apt install openssl
    5. Use OpenSSL Commands:
      You can now use OpenSSL commands directly in the Linux terminal. For example, to check the OpenSSL version, run:

      openssl version

These steps should help you run OpenSSL on Windows using either the standalone executable or the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Keep in mind that when using WSL, you will be running OpenSSL within the Linux environment, so the commands may differ slightly from the Windows standalone version.